Let’s go ahead and take a collective sigh of relief because this blog post has nothing to do with the election! Instead, I will talk about another dreaded popular topic on the regulatory front – … [Read more...]
MIPS Easy Button…Trick or Treat?
Halloween! Can you believe it? All across the country this evening youngsters will don costumes in search of Treats, adults will shepherd their kids through neighborhoods, or stay behind to distribute … [Read more...]
MACRA on the Menu
In last week’s Acumen blog Diana tackled highlights of the MACRA Final Rule released on October 14. She noted that the 2,398-page document is overwhelming and we are going to need to “eat the elephant … [Read more...]
MACRA: A Summary of the Final Rule
Just when I thought it was going to be a quiet weekend—BOOM!—the 2,204-page Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) final rule hit my inbox on Friday morning. I was surprised to … [Read more...]
Meaningful Use: Still Kicking in 2016!
Can you believe that we only have a few months left of using the term “Meaningful Use” before it’s retired? There’s a small (and I mean small) part of me that will mourn the loss of the term—mainly … [Read more...]
APM Redux
Last weekend I spent some time with family in the cool weather of the Appalachian Mountains. While there I had the opportunity to go fly fishing. It’s important to understand that yours truly is not … [Read more...]
Potential MACRA Delay Ahead?: Preparing for a Time of Uncertainty
If trying to follow regulatory programs has you feeling like a 20-year-old trying to catch Pokémon, join the club! However, for those just trying to see patients and run a practice, it is extremely … [Read more...]
MU, ACI and Hardship Exceptions: What’s a Nephrologist To Do?
Sometimes the heat and humidity encountered during the sultry summer months can smother you like a warm, wet blanket. You know the days I am talking about, right? If you wear glasses, when you step … [Read more...]