Last week was a difficult week. My 5-year old gave herself a new haircut (which involved very short bangs) and we found that she is allergic to peanut butter. Both discoveries involved a lot of tears … [Read more...]
What Will Happen to MACRA Under a Trump Administration?
It’s President’s Day! While doing some quick research, I concluded that some consider today a day to recognize all presidents, past and present. Others consider it a celebration of certain key … [Read more...]
MACRA Montage – A video summary of MACRA blog posts in 2016
On Monday, Diana gave us A MACRA Mashup and a late Christmas Gift, which contained links to all the blogs, videos, and MIPS tips we’ve published during our MACRA series. Today, we are giving you … [Read more...]
MIPs, MIPS APMs, Partial QPs, and Full QPs
Clinicians that are subject to the quality payment program next year will be designated as one of the following four options: • A full participant in MIPS • A “MIPS APM” participant • A partial … [Read more...]
MACRA: Fun with Numbers!
Can you believe it? In less than 2 weeks, 2017 will be here, and with the New Year comes the biggest change to physician reimbursement our generation has seen. The newly minted Quality Payment … [Read more...]
APM: Just Another TLA?
In the world of TLAs (three-letter acronyms), the APM, or alternative payment model, is a TLA we certainly need to pay attention to. APMs are a collection of new healthcare payment frameworks that are … [Read more...]
Clinical Practice Improvement Activities: The New Kid on the Block
Last week Dr. Dugan Maddux kindly gave us a reprieve from all of the MACRA talk on the blog. However, that break was short lived as we continue to unpackage the monster that is MIPS. With the first … [Read more...]