Halloween! Can you believe it? All across the country this evening youngsters will don costumes in search of Treats, adults will shepherd their kids through neighborhoods, or stay behind to distribute … [Read more...]
MACRA on the Menu
In last week’s Acumen blog Diana tackled highlights of the MACRA Final Rule released on October 14. She noted that the 2,398-page document is overwhelming and we are going to need to “eat the elephant … [Read more...]
MACRA: A Summary of the Final Rule
Just when I thought it was going to be a quiet weekend—BOOM!—the 2,204-page Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) final rule hit my inbox on Friday morning. I was surprised to … [Read more...]
Meaningful Use: Still Kicking in 2016!
Can you believe that we only have a few months left of using the term “Meaningful Use” before it’s retired? There’s a small (and I mean small) part of me that will mourn the loss of the term—mainly … [Read more...]
Happy Friday, Acumen Blog Readers—We’re Celebrating a Birthday and a Chance to Win!
Last Saturday, September 17, we celebrated the 6th anniversary of our blog. Over the past 6 years, we have seen a lot of changes in health care, especially with regard to nephrology and technology. … [Read more...]
Quality: Beyond Measure?
Happy Labor Day! This holiday not only honors the American labor movement, it also unofficially represents a goodbye to summer, the start of football season, the end of wearing white (no judging … [Read more...]
From MACRA to Imagination
In recent weeks Diana Strubler and Terry Ketchersid have provided expert advice and guidance about MACRA, MIPS, APMs, and a variety of other critical TLAs (three-letter acronyms). In the here and now, … [Read more...]
Potential MACRA Delay Ahead?: Preparing for a Time of Uncertainty
If trying to follow regulatory programs has you feeling like a 20-year-old trying to catch Pokémon, join the club! However, for those just trying to see patients and run a practice, it is extremely … [Read more...]