Last week Dr. Dugan Maddux kindly gave us a reprieve from all of the MACRA talk on the blog. However, that break was short lived as we continue to unpackage the monster that is MIPS. With the first … [Read more...]
Quality: The Overnight MACRA Sensation
As I get older, I find the days on the calendar move by faster, even though I am certain the earth still spins at the same speed it did last year. Reminds me of the lyrics from that classic Pink Floyd … [Read more...]
MIPS and the Small Practice
Last week Dr. Dugan Maddux brought us a wonderful display of colorful images to help us digest the contents of the MACRA proposed ruling. At a high-level view, the program initially doesn’t seem like … [Read more...]
MACRA in Images
A lot has been published about MACRA in the past weeks. The Quality Payment Program Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) was published on April 27, 2016, and the Federal Register Proposed Rule … [Read more...]
MACRA, MIPS, and APMs: Clear as Mud?
Last week Diana Strubler provided a wonderful overview of the MACRA implementation requirements published 10 days ago. This massive 962-page tome contains something for everybody. Over the past 6 … [Read more...]
MACRA, MIPS & APMs: Fun With Numbers
Hello March! The first full week of March can only mean one thing—selection Sunday for the greatest sporting event of the season is less than one week away! The men’s college basketball field is wide … [Read more...]
From APM to VBP: Do you know your HIT Lingo?
How hip are you to textspeak? GM had me stumped for quite a while. I kept receiving emails that started with the greeting “GM” and I had no idea who GM was. After 50 emails it finally occurred to me … [Read more...]
Migrating from Volume to Value: Are you ready?
Can you believe it’s already November? Seems like only a few months ago we were discussing the SGR repeal. Now the leaves have fallen, college football is in full swing, and as I type, the World … [Read more...]