It seems like we were just singing, “School’s out for summer,” and now Labor Day is behind us. Summer vacation is over. In Boston the Friday afternoon line of cars headed to Cape Cod is gone and we … [Read more...]
The HITECH Act: Then, and Now
Can you believe it? Fall officially begins this Friday! The football season is underway, the leaves will soon change colors, and before you know it, the College Hoops season will begin! It is hard to … [Read more...]
Digital Health: Innovating and growing
During a recent long-haul flight from east to west coast, I watched the movie The Matrix. I had never seen this 1999 SciFi film, but felt I should since the characters and story often crop up in … [Read more...]
Patient-Driven Health IT
I regularly read Dr. John Halamka’s Geekdoctor blog to keep up with the latest health IT (HIT) news. Dr. Halamka, Beth Israel Deaconess CIO, is an HIT policy expert, traveling around the U.S. and the … [Read more...]
HIMSS 2017: Big Data, Healthcare IT and the Future of Patient Care
When it’s big enough, an event itself can be Big Data. Bring together over 40,000 attendees and over 1,200 leading vendors and the topics presented and discussed serve to spell out the current trends … [Read more...]
Health IT: The Dawning of Millennial Healthcare
My daily news routine includes listening to NPR during my morning commute and clicking on my iPhone “News” app at least once or twice during the day. Recently online news headlines have started with, … [Read more...]
Great Expectations: Health IT in 2017
Happy New Year! To get our Acumen blog off to a value-based start we asked health IT (HIT) experts to give us their perspective on HIT progress in 2016 and hopes for 2017. Please enjoy these 2016 … [Read more...]