Can you believe it’s already November? Seems like only a few months ago we were discussing the SGR repeal. Now the leaves have fallen, college football is in full swing, and as I type, the World … [Read more...]
Data: A Cup Half Full
“In God we trust, all others bring data” —From The Elements of Statistical Learning, commonly attributed to W. Edwards Deming A cup half full is technically 4 ounces if you’re pouring milk, 125 ml … [Read more...]
MIPS: Are You Ready?
We’re halfway through July and 72 days from the ICD-10 transition (yes, I am counting). The days are long and hot and some of us occasionally have trouble falling asleep at night. For those of you … [Read more...]
SGR Repeal: There’s a new Sheriff in Town
A couple of weeks ago, organized medicine along with most physicians in this country breathed a sigh of relief when the Senate followed the House and overwhelmingly voted to repeal the Sustainable … [Read more...]
A Permanent Doc Fix…Really?
Recently lawmakers announced a bipartisan deal, which would repeal and replace one of the challenges Medicare providers have faced for over a decade: the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR). The … [Read more...]