Just when I thought it was going to be a quiet weekend—BOOM!—the 2,204-page Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) final rule hit my inbox on Friday morning. I was surprised to … [Read more...]
Good News: The 2015 Hardship Exception Arrives!
Last week, the moment we’ve all been waiting for arrived. Not the first snowfall of the year many of us experienced thanks to a winter storm named Jonas. No, I am talking about the latest rendition of … [Read more...]
From APM to VBP: Do you know your HIT Lingo?
How hip are you to textspeak? GM had me stumped for quite a while. I kept receiving emails that started with the greeting “GM” and I had no idea who GM was. After 50 emails it finally occurred to me … [Read more...]
Regulation vs Innovation: The Battles of a Certified EHR in a Meaningful Use World
In the past five years, EHR technology vendors and providers have been struggling with the numerous regulatory requirements, from PQRS and eRx programs to Meaningful Use, value-based modifiers, ICD-10 … [Read more...]