This week I’m blogging about an M-word. Not MACRA or MIPS, but Mobile Health or mHealth. A warning before you proceed: The following paragraph contains a personal story that may be Too Much … [Read more...]
Healthcare Apps: Revolutionizing the Functionality of EHRs
This week we’re taking a break from all things serious and complex, specifically MACRA and MIPS. The big players Terry Ketchersid and Diana Strubler are going to rest in the fieldhouse and this week … [Read more...]
Cybermedicine: Powered by Patients
How long have you had your smartphone or iPad? If you were using one of these portable devices in 2008 you might have been an early Apple or iTunes App Store customer. The App Store launched in 2008 … [Read more...]
Digital Epidemiology: It’s a Small World with Big Data
Infectious diseases have been at the heart of public health through human history, impacting health care delivery and societal practices. During crisis time health care workers and civic leaders … [Read more...]
Mobile Devices in Healthcare – It’s Time to BYO
Bring Your Own, BYO, takes me way back to my young adult days when small parties were often BYOB since none of us could afford to provide all of the alcohol. To us it mostly meant bring your own … [Read more...]
Can You TXT4Health?
Have you recently enjoyed a quiet Saturday evening on your back porch gazing at the stars, pondering the universe in peaceful solitude? Have you taken a moment to stop thinking and working just to … [Read more...]
Going Mobile
The holiday season is upon us and in case you have not been counting, there are only 14 shopping days left. Perhaps there is a tablet PC on your list this year? For those of you who wait until the … [Read more...]