As we enter 2013, the second full year of the CMS EHR Incentive Program is now complete. CMS continues to update their web site with the latest numbers, and recently the December 2012 figures were … [Read more...]
10 Days Remain to Avoid the 2013 eRx Penalty!
Nothing like a snappy headline to grab your attention, no? As sensational as it may sound, it is actually true in a very unique circumstance. If you have never demonstrated meaningful use, but intend … [Read more...]
Medicare Rates for Medicaid Services
The Affordable Care Act contains a wide variety of initiatives which influence the practice of medicine. Among those is the looming expansion of the Medicaid program. By raising the eligibility … [Read more...]
2013 Resolutions
With the first week of 2013 coming to a close, I know many of you are well on your way to fulfilling your 2013 resolutions. This year introduces something new for several of the CMS programs we track … [Read more...]
2012: Looking Forward Through the Rearview Mirror
As 2012 comes to a close, we find ourselves in that intriguing situation where the last day of the year coincides with our weekly Monday post. Not surprisingly, the last day of the year falls on a … [Read more...]
Too Soon to Consider Stage 3?
Happy Holidays to one and all. If you are reading this, the end of the Mayan calendar must have some significance beyond the end of the world. Given our new lease on life, can you think of a better … [Read more...]
Meaningful Use: Method in the Madness?
I was on the road last week and on Tuesday came across an article in what is now a ubiquitous accessory in most of the hotels where I stay. USA Today is either in the lobby or right outside my door … [Read more...]
Going Mobile
The holiday season is upon us and in case you have not been counting, there are only 14 shopping days left. Perhaps there is a tablet PC on your list this year? For those of you who wait until the … [Read more...]