Ways EHRs Can Lead to Unintended Safety Problems
Wrong records and failures in data transfer impede physicians and harm patients, according to an analysis of health technology incidents.
Rx Coupons Come to EHRs
Physicians Interactive, an eDetailing and eSampling firm that electronically connects pharmaceutical and other life sciences companies to physicians for marketing and education purposes, will integrate its eCoupon service into an EHR.
Top Five Security Threats to HIPAA and Meaningful Use Compliance
A list of the top five threats to complying with the new rules for HIPAA and Meaningful Use.
JY says
Can we assume that Acumen does not have the vulnerabilities mentioned? Most of the items in the final article revolve around the design of the system, rather than end user behavior.
Terry Ketchersid, Vice President and Medical Officer at HITSG says
Yes JY with the exception of the fifth point brought up related to data at rest, Acumen is in very good shape from a security perspective. Our challenge with point number five is that we do not control your personal device (smart phone for example). We do encrpty all of the data, but best practices related to managment of the personal device (remote wiping capability, passowrd protection, etc) are in the hands of the device owner. Thanks for the comment.