Meaningful Use Payouts Exceed $5 Billion
Total payouts to hospitals and eligible professionals in the Medicare and Medicaid EHR incentive programs exceeded $5 billion through April of this year. But the number of new registrations among EPs dropped in April for the second month in a row.
Doctors Quick to Adopt Tablets into Practice
Most physicians own iPads or other tablet computers, and they are finding creative ways to integrate them into patient interactions and other aspects of medicine.
HHS Harnesses the Power of Health Data to Improve Health
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), along with the Institute of Medicine (IoM) and other members of the Health Data Consortium, are co-hosting the third annual “Datapalooza” focusing on innovative applications and services that harness the power of open data from HHS and other sources to help improve health and health care.
How the Supreme Court Ruling on the Affordable Care Act Could Help, or Hurt, the ESRD Program
Although certain aspects of health care reform have yet to be resolved, the Affordable Care Act, if deemed constitutional by the court next month, has the potential to address many concerns of individuals with kidney disease, including transplant recipients, and living donors.
Preemptive Transplants May Not Offer Survival Edge
Preemptive kidney transplantation may offer no survival advantage over kidney transplantation soon after dialysis initiation, according to new findings reported at the 2012 American Transplant Congress.
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